High Vibe Mindset
Welcome to the "High Vibe Mindset" podcast, a show about empowering you to unlock your inner power, align with your core values, and tap into your greatest potential.
Join your host, Melissa Smith, and a lineup of expert guests from various fields including self-development, psychology, philosophy, business, and spirituality. Together, we'll explore the tools and techniques that will help you on your transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
From deep dives into the art of self-awareness and alignment with your big dreams to practical strategies for unlocking your potential, "High Vibe Mindset" is your go-to resource for inspiration, empowerment, and actionable insights. Each episode is designed to help you master your mindset, connect with your authentic self, and live a life that feels aligned and purposeful.
Our mission is to guide you in "knowing thyself" as we bring you the wisdom of the greatest experts, philosophers, innovators, and spiritual teachers. Gain valuable insights and practical steps to create positive change in your life. Our expert guests have covered a wide range of topics including self-confidence, creativity, relationships, life transitions, purposeful careers, and communication. We've shared powerful strategies to optimize your routines, tap into your intuition, and align with your core values and big dreams.
Into mental health, astrology, human design, eastern and western wisdom and diving into surprising new studies? "High Vibe Mindset" is your trusted companion on the path to unlocking your potential and living a life of inspiration and empowerment. Tune in, align with your dreams, and let's embark on this transformative journey together.
Podcast host Melissa Smith the co-founder of Soulea, an e-commerce shop with affirmation card decks and artistic/philosphical prints/posters. She most loves art, graphic design, deep and soulful conversations, books, podcasts, novel experiences (and creations), and learning. She is a former eating disorder registered dietitian with 12 years experience and expertise in the field of nutrition science. She's a 2/4 splenic projector, enneagram 7, Libra sun, Leo rising, and Scorpio moon.
High Vibe Mindset
39. Life & Podcast Update: Embracing Change and Staying High Vibe
I've launched a new affirmation card deck designed with YOU, the listeners in mind! The Body Deck offers 77 beautiful cards that address the three high-vibe killers of disconnection, negative-self talk & lack of self-care/coping practices. Best of all, it's portable & affordable at $33. Benefit from the transformative practice of affirmations anywhere you go. Stop self-sabotage & start being the highest version of YOU: Visit soulea.co
Hello, beautiful listeners, I have a quick life update episode for you today and starting off with letting you guys know. Where Aaron is my co-host who I started the High Vibe Mindset podcast with, he hasn't been in, I don't know, maybe the last 10 or more episodes with me. And going forward, it's just gonna be me hosting high vibe mindset.
I am updating the cover art, as you will see. But really, the reason that Aaron hasn't been on the podcast anymore is because it is something that, he wanted to try out with me. Podcasting is something that I am very much passionate about. I still listen to podcasts like every day.
I'm always sending all these different podcasts that I listen to everyone I know. And for Aaron, he saw my excitement and he was like, oh, okay. Yeah, like I can do it with you. I can try it out. But it's just not something that he. Naturally spends his time on. He's just different and he is into different things, so he took a step back.
We realized, it just makes more sense for me to continue on. And so he's no longer gonna be a co-host on the podcast. Maybe he'll come back for a future episode. I'm definitely sad about it in a way because I think he brings a lot of value. I think he's a great co-host. I think we had some really amazing episodes together, and obviously I just enjoy his company and it's fun to be able to do the podcast with him.
Whether we were doing our, episodes, just us or. Plus a guest. It's been really enjoyable. High Vibe Mindset Podcast started during the pandemic, and I wanna continue the podcast. I love. Doing this. I love just having these conversations and hearing from different people, different experts. I love learning.
I love being able to just hear other people's stories and their perspective and their insights. And just being able to be reflective too, on my own journey, my own healing. That's what I get out of listening to podcasts, and that's what I hope that you guys, as the listeners get out of it too, that you're walking away with some type of insight, awareness, knowledge, inspiration.
And so I'm super excited to just continue to do this. I'd love to be able to, Bring even more episodes with more frequency, and that's been a big goal that I have going forward to just have more of these conversations and just be able to upload more and connect more with the listeners of this show.
It's something that I haven't really been able to do since starting this podcast because I've been working full-time and not only working full-time, but working full-time and also, at a nine to five and also doing the podcast on the side and running my Etsy shop on this side and learning just all these other skills and, I'm an Enneagram seven.
I'm, I don't know, I'm ju I could say so many things about the ways that I am very multi-passionate and all over the place, but that's been a big reason. That episodes I really just upload, not only when I have time, but also when there's something. To be said, right? I don't wanna force things. I don't wanna just put together whatev whatever kind of episode just to put it up.
I really want to make sure that the episodes are gonna be worth listening to. That doesn't mean that I'm perfect. I definitely have had audio issues. Especially when I try to edit it myself because I'm not the best at editing and or even recording sometimes. I miss a step, but learning every day getting better.
So for those of you who have listened any episode in the past or listening now and will listen in the future, thank you so much. Definitely feel free to reach out and let me know if there's any topics that. Haven't been covered that you're interested in or that you want a deeper dive on, or that you want guests to come back.
I would love to know where you guys are at and what you wanna hear more of. That's it for the update. Stay tuned for Hi Vibe Mindset, evolve with me, Melissa, your host. I'll catch you next time and don't forget to stay high vibe.