High Vibe Mindset
Welcome to the "High Vibe Mindset" podcast, a show about empowering you to unlock your inner power, align with your core values, and tap into your greatest potential.
Join your host, Melissa Smith, and a lineup of expert guests from various fields including self-development, psychology, philosophy, business, and spirituality. Together, we'll explore the tools and techniques that will help you on your transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
From deep dives into the art of self-awareness and alignment with your big dreams to practical strategies for unlocking your potential, "High Vibe Mindset" is your go-to resource for inspiration, empowerment, and actionable insights. Each episode is designed to help you master your mindset, connect with your authentic self, and live a life that feels aligned and purposeful.
Our mission is to guide you in "knowing thyself" as we bring you the wisdom of the greatest experts, philosophers, innovators, and spiritual teachers. Gain valuable insights and practical steps to create positive change in your life. Our expert guests have covered a wide range of topics including self-confidence, creativity, relationships, life transitions, purposeful careers, and communication. We've shared powerful strategies to optimize your routines, tap into your intuition, and align with your core values and big dreams.
Into mental health, astrology, human design, eastern and western wisdom and diving into surprising new studies? "High Vibe Mindset" is your trusted companion on the path to unlocking your potential and living a life of inspiration and empowerment. Tune in, align with your dreams, and let's embark on this transformative journey together.
Podcast host Melissa Smith the co-founder of Soulea, an e-commerce shop with affirmation card decks and artistic/philosphical prints/posters. She most loves art, graphic design, deep and soulful conversations, books, podcasts, novel experiences (and creations), and learning. She is a former eating disorder registered dietitian with 12 years experience and expertise in the field of nutrition science. She's a 2/4 splenic projector, enneagram 7, Libra sun, Leo rising, and Scorpio moon.
High Vibe Mindset
36. Vibe Check: Mindset Hacks to Supercharge Business Success with Beauty Biz Expert Natasha Martinez
In this episode...
Melissa sits down with Natasha Martinez, who is a serial beauty entrepreneur, investor, and mentor with over 25 years of business experience. Natasha has owned multiple salons, is an eyebrow expert, and has helped many people start their businesses. She was determined to succeed and pushed her business forward no matter the obstacles- like starting a business as a newly single mom and growing up in a cult-like environment. In this episode, Natasha shares her top high vibe habits and the key mindset shifts that enable her to achieve the level of success she has. Through her hard work, dedication, and mindset practices, she has been able to employ and train hundreds of entrepreneurs, and has sold millions of dollars worth of services.
We dive into the following topics:
- Unlocking Mindset Practices to Supercharging Personal Growth and Business Success
- How to Overcome Societal Conditioning and Be Unconventional
- The Impact of Cult-Like Groups on Faith
- Exploring Intuition and Vibrational Calibration for Business Success
- Discussion on the Impact of Intention on Financial Success
- The Power of Intention: How Money Can Be Used for Good
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I am super excited for our guest today, Natasha Martinez. She's an entrepreneur, investor, coach, and wife with over 25 years of business experience. She was voted top 50 women owned businesses in Orlando twice, and she's invested, launch, sold and open many businesses employing and training hundreds of entrepreneurs and selling millions of dollars worth of services.
So Natasha, you've owned multiple salons. You're an eyebrow expert, you've done my eyebrows. Your eyebrows are always amazing, and you're a business coach and you've helped a lot of other people start their businesses as well, which is awesome. So I wanna just start from the beginning and ask you. How did your entrepreneurial journey start and what made you wanna get into the beauty industry?
First things first is I've been in the industry since I was 14 years old. I started with my mom. She owned a salon and, I, she taught me how to wax and all that stuff. So I've been working in the, in this industry for a long time. But that's how I started initially. My business though, my main location, I launched when I was pregnant with my first son, my first location, I've owned 11 years already.
And I started it from literally nothing. I had about 50 bucks to my name and I was sick of bouncing from job to job. I was doing a lot of at that time when I started, I was at a payroll company. I kept getting laid off of all these little office jobs, I was like, you know what?
I'm gonna start waxing again. And I, suites weren't a thing at the time, so I I started out of my bedroom, out of the second bedroom in my apartment. And Couple months later, I was like, oh, I'm gonna move into a location. I don't like having people in and outta my house.
So I got I'm not even joking, it was 50 square feet in an shared office place. There was a massage girl next to me. There was an attorney next to me, it was not a salon. Anyways the guy rented this place out to me for 300 bucks a month, and that was the first ULA la a couple months later I would say here I am, trying to push this business.
I'm not joking. Maybe a month into it I find out I'm pregnant. . Yeah. So at that point then it was like, not for fun. Then it was like, okay, this has to work. Yeah. You I was a, I knew I was gonna be a single mom, and it's crazy cuz like, whenever I tell the story or people that know me, they're like, oh, I'm a single mom too.
But I'm like, I knew I was gonna raise the baby by myself. His dad, to this day, he doesn't know his dad never met him. Never even seen him excuse me. So that type of alone, me and him stopped talking when I was about three months pregnant. He kept pressuring me to he wanted me to have an abortion and at that time I was just like, absolutely not doing this.
. It's something that I did do when I was 19. And it didn't go over well for me. Like mentally it stayed with me. So to be like in that position again, I was like, okay, I'm not gonna do this. So I made that. You ready? You wanted it. You know what? I was just like, all right, I'm not doing this a second time.
Yeah. So you're gonna have to put your big girl panties on and this business is gonna work because this is the only thing you have. So literally I worked the whole time I was pregnant. I was like, oh man. Huge. . Waxing people and like trying to build this business while I was pregnant with this baby.
And the crazy thing is that I didn't even have a license. . I had no aesthetics license. So I also started going to aesthetic school at the same time. So you were like self-taught then you just figured out how to do it. Taught. That's so cool. Yeah, I was self-taught. Yeah, I graduated aesthetic school when I was six months pregnant.
That's awesome. Yeah. Yeah. So like this whole time I'm knowing that I have to make this work cuz I'm gonna have a baby that I need to , have with me. So yeah, when I'm like, yeah, I raised my son by myself, I really did it alone. . , no help. Anyway. So it's just like cool to share that with, with all these new women that are like starting their businesses and they see that as like a barrier.
Oh, but I have a kid, or, oh, this or that. And I'm like, girl, you can do it. Trust me, you can do this. And I'm sure like most people have more support than what I had. I had my mom, that was it. , which was. But that's all I had. And she worked too, and it was like a, it was definitely a ride, but I don't regret any of it it was supposed to happen, like it happened.
It literally taught me so much. I think that's why I've, I'm so comfortable with business and, hitting these high levels of success in business. you guys inspire me. You're my neighbor. And so I've gotten . I've gotten to know you a little bit more, which is awesome.
And I've just been so inspired by the work that you and Carlos do and I've been at, been able to sit in on some of your masterminds and get super inspired by you and empowered. But I think it's crazy. It's so interesting the catalyst for you and where you started your entrepreneurial journey. It must have been scary.
It must have been really tough to go through that, but I'm wondering, when you think back on that, what were some of the lessons and what were some of the things that helped you? Cause it sounds obviously that's a really tough, challenging place to be at, where it can feel like make or break, it can feel really challenging.
It can feel like our life gets put on hold when we're pregnant and when we're about to start a family. And at the same time, it can really be a motivator. I know women are so resilient and I know I've had my own, experience with that too. Being pregnant and being like, okay, wow, now it's time to step up.
Now it's time to show up because you realize how much you can do when you can give birth to a whole human. At the same time, when you're doing it alone, it can feel so isolating and feel like, how am I actually gonna get to where my vision is and where I wanna go? So I have to, it's two separate things for me.
So I have to say that one of the things that I was, that I never really thought I was gonna do, but I don't know what it was in me that was like, you need this. So I immediately put myself in therapy. , I needed it. So I, if I didn't make that choice, I think I would've not been able to do what I did.
Yeah. And it's funny, right? So of course I was broke . So I found this girl that was doing sessions for $25. . She was a college student that was about to graduate and that was her what's this called when of like an internship maybe that was her internship. Yeah.
So she needed to get like little clients to like practice on or whatever. . And of course she gets me pregnant, like series of abandonment issues from what I'm going through. And love You DeAnn. Her name's DeAnn . And it's just funny because like I stayed with her for a long time. Yeah. And even like after.
Like I had London and all that stuff. I would still, like, whenever I felt like I needed therapy, I would look her up and I would go to wherever she was. Yeah. And I, and that's that. I feel like that was the main thing. It's okay to have feelings and it's okay to be hurt and it's okay to feel, and I think like we don't give that part credit.
, we don't, I don't wanna feel, and I need to press on, but you do have to feel, and you have to learn how to deal with that, and you can press on , so therapy was a huge thing for me. Yeah. I did that for, I want to say like probably two years back to back.
And even, I will always revisit it like, every couple years if I feel like. , I just need that. I all, it's like a gift to myself, yeah. So yeah, so that was like one of the big things. And then the other big thing was that I had learned about I'm pretty big on like manifestation and goal setting and like that type of thing, because it is literally science, like you can measure these things, right? So I had an ex who had exposed me to the Secret, and at that time I was like 22. I didn't receive it. I was like, what? What are you talking about? Like positive thinking and you can change like your life, what, whatever. , wrote it. But I remember after I had London and with the help of therapy, one day I was like, this business has to work, like just brainstorming.
And it hit me. I was like, oh my God, that's what this is. It's that law of attraction thing, right? So then at this time, the Secret wasn't even a book yet. It was just the documentary. I started watching that documentary every single day. I watch it for six months every single day. So it, and it started clicking, . I was like, oh, I can change my thoughts. If I change my thoughts, it changes my perspective of what I'm going through and it makes things easier. We can sit here and argue about it all day long. Is it really different? Yeah. don't know, but it feels like it, so you can deal with a lot more, I want to, those are probably the two things, it was really getting control of my mind.
, so personal development was a huge thing for me. It literally set me free. Yeah. I think the important things that you're sharing are just key characteristics I've seen from a lot of guests as well, and the importance of emotional regulation and therapy. Actually dealing and coping with our emotions instead of avoiding them or.
Trying distract ourselves from them in really unhealthy ways. And then the mi the mindset, positive thinking changing your beliefs, law of attraction, manifestation, all those things that are gonna really help you to understand what might be holding you back or where we might be having mindset and thoughts that are not helping us continue on and achieve what we wanna achieve.
And being able to start to change your mindset. And that's exactly what we love talking about here. So can you tell us what are some other ways that you've continued to grow and evolve as a business owner? So that's like where you were when you got started, which I think is so cool. I love your origin story and seeing, what were, what the catalyst was and seeing the.
Tools, the initial things that really propelled you. So what else has helped you to continue to evolve? I feel like constant, like looking for growth, right? So I've always been big on we have this misconception that the only way you can learn is oh, you need to be in college or you need to be in school.
That's not true, oh, but I can't afford to take this training. Yeah. But the library's free. Yeah. Start reading books. Literally. What is it in this world that you wanna know? I guarantee you there is a book on it. Yeah. And guess what? You have the internet and lucky right? Us and there's so many YouTube videos and like all these people that you would probably like, Not be able to meet ever.
You can have as mentors and as coaches from afar. So reading's been a huge thing for me. I love reading, like so much so that I'm like, dang, I wish like I could speed read. That would be like the dopest, like superpower, right? I do a lot of audibles, so also those you can give for free love, audible, love audibles, instead of music on the way to work, you can listen to something.
Podcasts are great way of learning. If you have the funds for it, getting coaches. If there's a specific niche that you think that you need help in, get a coach. It's, I promise you, you are your best investment. Get a coach. Use them until you have figured it out on your own and then go off.
All right, now you developed your skill. So I'm huge on that. I always go take trainings. I always read and I always have coaches. It's yeah, always. I always do, no matter, how how mu, how like much I'd think I know about something. There's always something to learn from people and not learn from people.
If someone's like super, like negative, low vibrational and stuff, learn from them that's not attractive. I should keep that in check. Or whatever, and if they're like, oh wow, so outgoing and stuff, and that's something you admire, then, it's not copying, but it's modeling.
Yeah. Yeah. They say you wanna be someone. Wake up every day and pretend to be that person, and eventually you turn into that person. Oh yeah, definitely. You know what I mean? It's not Yeah. Like somebody, but like your, it's like a shift of your identity. Yeah. Yeah. And you see someone that you like those qualities and it sometimes we think we could be jealous, or we just look at that person with envy and just oh, I wish I had that.
Just use that as, oh, I wish I had that. Okay. I can shift into that. Yeah. Beautiful thing. Once you start understanding you know what, like vibes really are and stuff. Yes. You understand that? Let's talk about the vibes. We're on the high vibe mindset. Yes. When we, when you really start understanding what that really is, . Quantum physics, like when you really understand what that is, you're like, this is, we need a little lesson from you. I just, ok, I, OK , I just wanna say first quickly, you are a massive action taker too. So I think one thing that I've learned a little more recently, cuz I feel like I have always been someone that has loved learning, gobbled up a million books and courses and everything.
But you can get lost in that. Yeah. You can get lost in the theory. Yeah. And I mean there's different personality traits too, right? There's the fiery fire people and like fire signs and fire doshas and people who are action takers who, they're, they aim or they don't aim, they just shoot before they aim and they just take messy action.
And you have the people who. Are more like the air, right? And oh, they'd love to really just keep researching and researching and analyzing and gathering all the information that's more like me. So a big thing I had to learn was, okay, I actually need to take the action, fail, suck at it at first and know that I'll get better with time.
But I think you're super action oriented and fiery, but you also have developed very strongly that other quality, like that air sign of connecting more to the mindset and the theory and all of that. So I wanna hear from you what that means to you. You know how I feel about Like society as a whole.
It makes me very sad because I feel like we are literally like indoctrinated to death and I am very free. , I'm a free thinker. Typically if you think outside the box, I'm like, cool, good job. Yeah. I I like that. I want that so one of the things that I am very comfortable with is failing because, so what?
I can do it again. Whatever, who cares? And that's one of the things that I feel like As a society, we don't let people fail. Oh hell no, we don't . You know what I'm saying? Like you can't, you'll get a F and then you'll feel miserable . See, that's shitty though. Yeah. Because how else will we learn?
Yeah. So since we're like in kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, they're like you are not this type of smart, yeah. Because you got a D or an F when school literally there did, there's seven types of smarts. And school only teaches two of them. There's five other ways that you could be gifted and they're only pushing two.
Yeah. That's so powerful to even understand that what? Yeah. So you know, like as humans, like we learn by it's practice. It's practice. We're practicing. Yeah. Like. Society calls it failure. I'm just like, dude, I'm just practicing like . , and that's one of the things like I, I push on the kids like, don't be scared.
Yeah. Fail, get back up and try it again. Just don't try it the same way. You gotta tweak it a little bit. , because if that didn't work, if you do it again, it's not gonna work cause it didn't work the first time. So let's try it a different way. Yeah. So that's why I am a massive action taker cuz I don't care if I fail.
, I don't care what you think of me, what they think of me, what they like. I don't care. What are you gonna say? Oh, she tried and failed, so what? At least I tried, yeah. But how about if I take my shot? I shoot my shot and I'm freaking amazing at it. I love it. So where did, how did. Adopt this mindset?
Was it just innate for you or was there like a figure in the past who, like where did you learn it from? Like I'm a little bit of a bible thumper, like Christian nerd a little bit. And I don't like the religious box. I feel like bible thumper has a negative connotation. And you're not like that at all because you know why?
You're just I like free spirited and you believe in God and you're Yes. Very open and very well. That's what accepting, if you read the Bible, That is what we're called to do. Yeah. We're called to be free. And love each other. And that's really it. Yeah. Everything else that, like the church likes to push on people is like some dude's or some lady's agenda.
Yeah. That's what I, believe too. Yeah. Oh you're sinning cuz it's okay, but that's between you and God. Why are you getting in the relationship between this person and God? Yeah. Mind your damn business. Mind your business on a lot of things. Unless someone's asking you, it's be better off if we , if we let people come to us versus giving unsolicited advice.
How can you show them love? Yeah. Literally you know what I'm probably not the best person to tell you. I don't know what to tell you, but I can give you a hug. Yeah. , I can hear you out. Yeah. So so the Bible gave me that mindset. You gotta remember, right? The Bible says we're created in God's image.
. So we have God within us, we're made to His image. That same power that he has, we have, if you choose to give your power away, that's a choice you're making. He made us with freedom of choice. , he made us with the will to choose. So if you wanna give your spirit away your godly strength, you're making that choice.
I just choose not to give it away. Yeah. I choose to no, I don't like this. I'm gonna move the pictures around because this is not what God promised me. God promised me that everything he does is for good and not to harm me, and I'm gonna live by that. and that's it. Yeah. That's how I go in super gangster, like
No, I'm not joking. I'm like, all right, if it's aligning with what's I'm supposed to be doing in my destiny? Here we go. I'm gonna shoot my shot because you promised me that everything you had for me was for good and not to harm me. So here we go. Let's see what happens. , honestly, that's literally how I, how, yeah.
How I just do it. And it also says faith without action is dead. Yeah. That's pretty speci specific. Yeah. So you know, people like to especially like super church people oh, I'm praying and I'm praying and I'm praying, move your fucking ass . You feel me? Yeah. Hello.
That, anyway. Yeah, that's what I love that you can. Decipher the empowering message behind it. And I think a lot of people don't. It's like it can get twisted to this weird victim narrative. And I know that's where I've been and that's what I, my perception growing up, or how I maybe interpreted from what I learned from other people around me and how other people were interpreting things and how other people were acting and behaving and just getting in a place of ugh.
No, this is gross. know, Therapy. It's gross Therapy helps. Yeah. And understanding why do I, why am I having such a hard time taking action? Why do I have such strong imposter syndrome in fear? Like, why can I not embrace failure? It's like failure was a death sentence to me. That was the.
Perfectionism, mindset of you can't try, you go ahead and try the things you're already naturally really good at and do amazing on the first try. Oh, not too many things. Okay. Guess you know you're gonna, how limiting is that? Oh yeah. It's so limiting. It's like, how limiting is that? This world is so ab, like abundant, like how many other people think like that though?
Oh, a lot. Lot. It's disheartening a lot. Yeah. It's disheartening. Yeah. Literally I'm like, girl, like you are so capable of so much more than what you are giving yourself credit for right now. Do it go, that's why I love that we're having this conversation and talking about what are those helpful resources and tools and who are, what are the messages?
Who are the people that we can turn to and look to for that guidance and support? We can turn to. Other people I'm super glad that you're my friend and my neighbor and I have someone high vibe next to me that I can turn to. And it's good to develop those relationships. You can go to therapy and find a great therapist.
You can have a mentor from afar like you mentioned. I loved that. The researcher spirituality man. Yeah. Just because, like you don't have to have a religious box. , I don't believe in that. There's part of, I have a mazua on my door. I'm not Jewish. Yeah. But I like the meaning behind it.
I think it's a beautiful religion. I think they have a lot of beautiful traditions and I respect it. , there's I research everything and I feel. It's okay. Yeah. To like honor and respect someone else's beliefs. You don't have to like, push your beliefs on the on, on someone else.
I think it's good to form your own beliefs. Yeah. Not just have, stick with the whatever you grew up with. It's, you can question it, you can stick with it, but you should use some critical thinking first. girl. I was raised Jehovah's Witness. Yeah. Yeah. So if you want them out there stuff you're just and I, and like you said, that was super like, they're foundationally, they they come from like Quaker beliefs.
. So they're very they'll shun you, they're like, oh, you need to repent for your sin. So they make you like, say what? You sinned and they'll shun you. Yeah. They will literally sit you in the back of the church and no one will talk to you. That's crazy. So can you imagine what that does?
Jehovah's Witness is one of those ones that you just hear a lot of horror stories about, but you can from anything, right? Yeah. But it's it's about the people. Whoever is leading these groups, you can see terrible leadership and cults or cult-like groups in anything in Yoga, in, in Christianity and Jehovah's Witness.
But yeah, when I hear stories like that, it's just, oh, it's so disheartening and so sad. But that's why sad. That's why I happen. Push like connecting with God. Yeah. Like he's there. And you can connect with him. You don't need a pastor or a minister or whatever to do the connecting for you. Yeah. That's how fortunate we are nowadays, that we don't have to go sacrifice the s and our cow and have this person go like we have that freedom and it's like a beautiful thing. And I feel like a lot of us, that's why we don't feel comfortable with our relationships with God because we think that we need to do it through church. Yeah. Or this person. Or that person. Like I refuse. Yeah. Or no, I literally refuse.
I'm like, no, I know how to pray. I know how to meditate. I know how to fast. Yeah. Like I'm gonna connect on my own, but thanks. Yeah. You could always be open and I know you're someone who's super open to. Just relationships. Good relationships, good people. Yeah. And it's good that you can also protect yourselves and notice the red flags and the signs of groups who are gonna be controlling problematic.
Problematic. Yeah. You keep it neutral. Yeah. I think that you can keep things neutral and not have to go there. Yeah. You know what I mean? You keep it neutral. If something's not aligning with how you liked, I'm big on that, I'm big on like the feelings.
, I always pay attention to my gut. Literally. You're very intuitive. Literally, energy reader. I'm like, my tummy hurts. I don't want to do this. Yeah. I'm like, now I will gladly just be over here. I don't say much, keep to myself, but this doesn't feel like something I wanna participate in. Yeah. And you, that's again, that's your freedom of choice.
Yeah. You never have to do anything you don't want. Do. That's, and I think that's your power too, that you are given with the intuition. You have your own signals and intuition speaking to you. And why would we wanna ignore that? Because that's what we're taught to do, Mel. So true. Literally, we're very conditioned.
We are so conditioned upper, ever conditioned to do all the things that are gonna either keep us broke or powerless. Small. Yeah. Small or miserable working for someone else. Yes. Yeah. Yes. It's how we're you gotta remember who invented schools? Schools were made in like the 19 hundreds when factories were coming out.
Yeah. So what were schools indoctrinate, literally, I'm gonna go there. . They were indoctrination centered, right? Yeah. It was, yeah. The industrial revolution. Everyone needed employees. Yeah. They needed the moms that were staying home with the kids to go work in the factories so the kids needed to go somewhere.
. And then those kids needed to come work too eventually. That's how that is. Yeah. Literally they don't really teach you stuff that empowers you in school. Yeah. You don't know about finances. You don't know how to run a business either. And it's funny cuz it's like people complain about that and it doesn't change , it doesn't, very interesting.
But you're super unconventional. You're into weird stuff like me. So my question, we of course it would go off on, I love all the places we're going off on because yeah, that's, I, that's the conversation I love to have. And I wanted to ask you, what are some of the unconventional things you're up to lately?
What are some things that you're liking?
Like I said, I believe we have a lot of power within us and, I believe heavily in the spiritual world. , and whether you believe it or not, it's there. Yeah. Like I said, you can literally, it's science, it's there. , metaphysics, quantum physics, they're branches of science.
Yeah. It can be measured, like you can go off and read all the data if you don't believe in spirituality or whatever. But very into subconscious mind stuff. Our subconscious never forgets. Anything. It doesn't forget a smell. It doesn't forget a sound. It doesn't forget anything. It's always there and it's constantly running as a program, . I wanna say probably like probably a year now or maybe more there's this awesome book. It's called Emotional Code, the Emotional Code, and it's written by a doctor and basically it is a type of therapy that allows you to tap into your own subconscious because we are literally human lie detectors.
We're taught to not respect that part of us, our intuition, third eyes, whatever you want to call it, bra chakra. That's literally, that's our intuition. It's our built-in navigation system, that feeling in your stomach, all those things, those are all indicators that like, dude, wake up, something's gonna like wrong or something's off.
Yeah. So innately we all know when we're being lied to and when we're not. This is like a way of tapping into your subconscious to clear, trapped energy or, decipher, you know what's truth or what's not. There's a great book, it's called truth versus Falsehood.
. So now I'm getting back into science. Essentially, you can calibrate everything. We can calibrate this plant, we can calibrate this paper, we can calibrate this. Everything has a calibration because everything vibrates out of frequency. So you can test that. by muscle testing, or you can use a pendulum or whatever you want to use and you can calibrate things.
So if you're looking at like a Hertz chart, right? Anything that's 200 or lower is a negative calibration. And then anything like 200 up to three, four, it's pretty neutral, right? And then anything that's 500 is like your enlightenment, right? 700 I think is an enlightenment. 500 is love.
So you wanna be like over 200, always, right? . So one of the cool things is let's say that you're gonna start a business. The intention behind the business can be calibrated and you're gonna know if you're gonna be successful or not, because we can calibrate your intention running this business.
So like a lot of think of and just think not talking about like science or anything or vibrations or anything. Think about when someone starts a business for money. Just for money. Yeah. what happens? I'm not gonna work. . Exactly. Or it, they can, I mean they can force it and they can push with everything they have, but it's just gonna be so much resistant, so miserable.
But I feel like most of the times, nine, nine out of 10 times, or if they started for money and it, and they feel the resistance and stuff, they're gonna be forced to shift Yeah. Into a higher vibration. Yeah. For it to work. Yeah. Yeah. They run into all the walls and they're like, they got it. Why isn't this working?
Restructured, yeah. So like Walmart. Walmart calibrates at 4 25 or something like that. Like it's a really high calibration. Yeah. So Walmart's not going anywhere. Yeah. When Sam Walden started Walmart, he had a really good intention. He wanted people to be able to afford things at a reasonable price, and that's why he started Walmart.
Yeah. I think also it's not just oh, I wanna make, everyone wants to make money, needs to make money for survival. But it's different when you're like, I wanna be a millionaire, I wanna be rich. Or it's just all about money and that's it. And that's one thing too like the Bible says certain things about money, and obviously people will take it the wrong way, right?
So like money is the root of all evil, right? . money. Calibrates pretty neutral by the way. , so neutral's 200 money calibrates at 2 0 5 or 2 0 6. It's super neutral. So what does that mean? That means that whatever you feel about money is what money's gonna be to you. Yeah. If you're like, I'm never that, that, I'm never gonna be able to make that much money.
, guess what? You're never gonna make that much money. Yeah. Because you are programming the intention behind the money. Money is just the thing. It's literally it's paper. Think about it. So it's neutral. So money can't be the root of all evil. If you are already evil and you get money, you're gonna have evil money.
That's it. That's it. If you are naturally someone who's super giving and stuff like that and you get money, guess what happens? All the. You'll get tons of that shit because you're so giving. Yeah. And it's like literally attracted to you and it'll keep just coming. You'll never grow broke. There's a story of about this guy that he tried to donate his whole fortune and when he died, he was richer than Wow.
Than before. Because he would give it away so freely, yeah. So that's it. It's how you program the intention behind everything. And that goes for everything in life. It goes for relationships, when you are getting to know someone or whatever, even friends, boyfriends, husbands, whatever.
If you go in with an intention of being evil or just conniving, that's the same thing you're gonna get back. Yeah. I feel like money is I heard some interesting stats about money and how finances and money is, Connected to like the number one reason why people divorced and it's been researched, it's over and over.
It's like that's the number one spot. Money is finances and having to make money and jobs and career and everything. Having a roof over your head is also like the number one stressor, just people's stressors in general. So I think in a way that's what it's pointing to as well that saying, or that I thought of money is, it's just a huge factor of our life.
It's like top of mind for us because it's so critical. We need money to do so many things. So I think it makes sense that it can have, it can be one of the biggest negatives when we're thinking about what is negative and what can go wrong. But we have to look at the other side of it too. It can also be a positive.
It's not only just negative. And it's what do we do? Are we going to be in the low expression with money and are we gonna fall into that and let it rule our lives and let it be a negative for us and let it be a stressor and let it be all these things? Or are we taking the lesson and learning like the warning and are we going to go into the high expression and learn how to manage money and learn how to be in the high vibration?
But that's choice. Yeah. That's literally your freedom of choice kicking in. Yeah. You have to take responsibility and make the choice. Yeah. Literally, you have to responsibility the responsibility to make the choice. Do you want to keep feeling like that about money or do you wanna feel abundant about money?
Because let me tell you, , right? I think I have a thing in at the house in the office that's whether you think you can or whether you think you can, you're right. Exactly. Yeah. You think that money comes easy to you, then you're right. You think you need to work hard to make money. You're also right.
Yeah. If you're like, dude, I just like paychecks show up in the mail. Guess what? Chances are that's probably what's gonna happen. You know what I mean? What are some examples of that for you? So I want, to remind our listeners, you have sold, you have created and sold businesses. Right now you're running like multiple businesses.
You've got your salon with all your employees. You're doing browse, amazing, all the latest brow trends. I know lamination and brow mapping and everything. You also lease out a salon suite and you have the best people too by nail tech that I always go to cheese under you. . Yeah.
And you've done tons of trainings to teach people these skills. How they can also be really good at browse or other areas. You have a lot of expertise and other things, waxing and just a million things. And you are also coaching business, like helping people who might not be in the business industry, but might be launching products and doing other things.
So you're y you're obviously a super successful, awesome entrepreneur, and it's clear, like you're sharing some of your beliefs and what has helped you. What are some of those other just concrete, practical things that have helped you get to the place that you are? Like, what are some of the lessons that you've learned in running all these businesses and being a business owner and teacher and coach, and what advice do you have for others who wanna be where you're at one day?
I think like the number one thing that I always push on my students when I teach classes and on my coaching clients is to focus on you. Whatever was put in your heart, whatever it is. If it's a business, if it's a book, if it's a card deck, if it's, whatever it is. I don't know cuz you gotta remember everyone's destiny is different.
, right? So whatever that is, focus on that and do your humanly best. To not get distracted. No. Like I feel like we have so many things, right? You have social media that's very distracting. You have all these things that just are daily things that get in your way. So you have to have that self-discipline and just stay focused on you, not to not use social media or whatever, but don't let other people's what you perceive as success.
Be like, damn, I'm never gonna do this. Yeah. Every day. Even if you dedicate five, 10 minutes to whatever it is that's there in your heart, do it. Have that commitment to yourself, yeah. So that's a big one for me. And practically like the way I can delegate so many things because, we do have so many layers of what we do is I love list.
, I am a freak about that. , your brain is like the worst storage cabinet. Like you forget , pop into your head. So start making lists of what you need to do. Start making lists of what your goals are or what your desires are. Like start writing it down and carry it with you. Like I, I literally carry my notebook with me.
And I have so many of these notebooks, like I have notebooks from 10 years ago, and I'll look through it and I can see all the, like, all the goals that I had. And it's funny cuz most people will write their goals. In 2020 I will da, da da. I put like these big goals as like a checklist.
I'll be like, finish law school, like , that's on my checklist. That's something easy that I'm gonna accomplish tomorrow. It doesn't matter. It's written down so it's gonna get done eventually. Yeah. So that's of like one of the things that I love to do practically and just like always focusing on whatever your vision is and Fighting for it tooth and nail because you are gonna get resistance.
Like you're crazy if you think you're not. You are. I love one of the masterminds that I sat in on where you and Carlos were just talking about all the things that went wrong. I vague with, and all the issues and flooding in your, and that's just one of our businesses. Yeah. And just being like, Hey, expect it.
. And a lot of people would, that's exactly, that's one of the reasons, right? If we ha if we haven't worked on our mindset already and we haven't gotten started, cuz our mindset is so poor, we might get started and have the beliefs, but we're gonna run into challenges and obstacles and that's where people may also quit.
I agree. So one of the things that I got really comfortable with was being uncomfortable. I think that we have, as a society, this misconception that like, life is like the straight path up, right? But that's not true. Life is like stairs. , right? You're like straight up plateau, oh crap, stairs again, and then another set of stairs.
And so every time you, that's how you level up though. , so when it happens, again, thinking positively, you're like, Oh, snap. Something good's about to happen. I'm getting a lot of resistance sometimes. Oh my gosh. Could you imagine thinking that on a plateau? I love that . That's me though.
Whenever stuff's going back. You know how I am. Yes. I'll tell you like, oh my God, Mel this, and this happened. It's so true. I don't like laugh about it. Like you're like, this is crazy. Look at these jokers, look at these obstacles trying to bring me down. I'm like, yeah. Like I have this belief where I'm like if I want something and someone tells me no, I'm like, that was just the wrong person. Yeah. And I will literally look for the person that tells me Yes. , I won't stop. So once you get used to that knowing to expect some resistance and when it ha when it comes, I know this sounds crazy, but you have this mindset where you're like, oh.
Thank you for this resistance, because I know I'm about to get some good stuff over this hurdle. Yeah. That's literally how I think of it. Yeah. And then when I'm over the hurdle, I'm like, I knew it. Embracing it, I knew it. Yeah. That's a great analogy. The stair one, and I heard another one similar, but I love like the visual of the stairs, but I've heard one that it's like a third of the time you're gonna feel confident.
Everything's gonna hit. It's gonna be awesome. Things are going great. A third of the time is just gonna be like, eh, like neutral, right? Like the plateau. Yeah. Not going good. Not the worst, but, and then a third of the time, it's gonna be awful. You're gonna be tired, you're gonna be burned out, you're gonna be exhausted.
Things are going wrong. You have problems, challenges. It's if you're expecting that's normal. Everyone has to go through this. Like you are not gonna have it. Amazing a hundred percent of the time. But we believe that and think that, because that's usually all we hear from these people. Stories.
Yeah. . And that's why I try to be really transparent about my life period, like , my past and like my journey was my son and like the businesses and stuff like that. Cause I feel like I'm not, I'm almost doing a disservice if I don't tell you guys that stuff. Yeah. I feel like I'm not being transparent and I'm not helping you.
Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes it fucking sucks. Yeah. And that's okay. Yeah. Expect it. It's okay, let's keep moving because those are the things you'll look back on and be like, I earned this, know what I mean? So I always tell like my boys, I'm like, listen to me, anything that is worth having is going to be hard.
It's gonna be work. Okay. Damn. And that's why no one else has it. Or that's why not everyone has it. Everything. That's easy. Everyone has it. Why? Because it's easy. Yeah. So as long as you are comfortable with that fact cuz it's a fact. , then nothing's gonna stop you because you know that it's something you have to do to live the life you are choosing, not getting.
Yeah. So I'm like a big believer in that too. I'm like, oh no, I'm sorry life. I know that's what you're trying to give to me, but I hand that right back to you. That's not what I want. And I will literally not accept it. I'm like, screw. Yeah. And so just staying with it, like sometimes we have to just let go of the timeline or remind ourselves that we can't get things instantly.
Some things will come pretty quick and instantly, but not everything. And the big things, like you said, it's requires work. So I think that's important to re remind ourselves. And I know there's a lot of talk of, I don't know, people knock on affirmations and positivity and whatever, but I think there's a really big difference between yeah, you have to accept reality and you have to accept hard emotions, right?
, you have to like, it's important to go to therapy, to feel the tough emotions, to have those bad days. It's important to embrace the other side failure. It's important to embrace challenges and know there's gonna be times where it's hard and I wanna quit, or when I have problems or obstacles or tough people or whatever like that all is gonna come.
And that's even more reason to bring in affirmations and mindset work. I agree. Sometimes people think, but I feel like sometimes people think Oh, I'm wasting my time. What's the point of doing that? Cause it's not all perfect all the time. That's not the point. . And that's the thing like, like life is not gonna be perfect all the time.
And I don't think people realize what an affirmation is. Yeah. You are literally working on reprogramming your subconscious. That's what an affirmation is. You are developing yourself to be your coach. . And I don't think people realize that's what they're doing. So if they understood what they're doing, then they would appreciate it more.
So For example I'm a, I'll always be like, you're, you are strong. You got this. That's something I always say to myself. , but that was an affirmation that I always tell myself, yeah, you're strong, you're bold, you're audacious, right? . So when I'm feeling insecure, I'm like, oh my God.
And I know cuz I already do the work. So I know when I'm feeling insecure. Yeah. I know when I'm feeling imposter syndrome. I know when, it's not to say I'm not gonna feel those things, but guess what kicks in? You're subconscious and you're subconscious. Hey girl, remember you're bold. Yeah. You're audacious.
You are fearless and you're like, all . And you pretend to be this bold, fearless person. Yeah. Because your life coach, you just kicked in. And that's what those things do for you, so a affirmations, like they're part of the puzzle. . And the positive thinking is just literally, and it's so hard like nowadays because like so many people suffer like a d and all that stuff and it's hard to train your brain.
I feel like, I gotta tell you, I've been working on like meditating. , you know how hard it is to capture your thoughts. Just literally yeah. We're not gonna think that's one of the hardest things to master. , so how hard is it to stay positive when things are literally going bad for you to be like, I'm grateful for this experience.
Yeah. How hard is that? So let me tell you, if you're grateful for that experience, you receive it, you're gonna process it and then you're like, but I know my day's gonna get better. What you got for me? Yeah. I, you just trying to level me up. You wanna see how I'm react to this cuz you got something better for me.
Right. that changes the whole picture. It does. Literally it's so worth it to do. It's also work. It's also literal work. . It is. It's to work on your mindset into it is practice mindfulness and observe these things, but yeah, you get good at it when you've done it enough times. Yeah, but it takes work.
That was like me today feeling. It's like the plateau stage, right? Yeah. I feel like I was in the felt that today of just any, everyone does that. You start looking at numbers or doing whatever. You start comparing like this week to last week or this month to last month, and then you can feel like, oh my gosh, what am I, what do I think I'm doing?
Yeah, the imposter syndrome can kick in, but it's awesome. Like you said, when you know you've done that work and your subconscious already starts, it's I remember having that thought like, I need to shift my mindset right now. , see? No, this is bullshit. See and then your life coach kicked in.
Yeah. Yeah. And And then it was like, oh yeah, like this is normal. It's fine. Like you're fine. You're doing good. You just started. Yeah. This thing and it is doing so well. It's yeah. So you just remind yourself of that and you just tell the negative voice to shut up, yeah.
Literally, that's literally me. It's so funny cause I. Okay. I called my sub . I like talk to myself. I'm like, I call my subconscious subby. I'm like, subby . You are not. Oh my gosh, what happened? It's funny cuz that conversation I'm just talking about, I was thinking about my card deck and that order just came in.
Yay. We manifested. I love it. Anyways. That's so funny. Cause that's the funny part of it too, where stuff like that happens, but, and you're giving it focus. Yeah. And you're giving it good focus. So then focus, see what happens. Yes. Bad focus really will grow more if you let yourself stay in that, because then you stop taking action.
Then you feel like, what's the point? Then people ask you about it and you're like, oh, you don't feel as confident. Versus if you keep feeding, changing and shifting your mindset and giving it good focus. Elevates all the vibes and it's el and it's visualization too. Literally. Like seeing it in your mind's eye.
Yeah. Like I'm big on that. That's, oh my gosh. When you're in a bad mindset or plateau, you visualize zeros. Nothing. No, man let tell you, no, people, let me tell you what I would do all the time. I would always have this like weird, like subconscious fear that like the salon would fail. Yeah. And I would be like, immediately capture that thought. And immediately I would like close my eyes and I would imagine the lobby full of people. Yeah. Every time I walk in, the lobby's gonna be full of people. . And I promise you, every time I walk in that lobby is full of people. Yeah. For 11 years.
It's a fun game. I remember when I was in sales at LA Fitness and I would play that game, like if, when you remind yourself and you play that game when you're like, I'm confident today, good stuff's gonna happen. It does. It does. But because you're calling it towards you, you're manifesting it. But go back to, you were saying you named your subconscious Subby.
Her name's Subby and I'm like, subby, you are not serving us right now. Quit your shit.
Oh, that's great. And we should all name our subconscious sin. Yes. Tell it to shut up sometimes. Yes. Shut your mouth. Okay. I don't know what crazy programming you have running back there, but we're not doing that today. Today. And I'll say big me like the physical me. Yeah. I'm like, today big me is doing this and I go and do it.
I have loved that. . All right. So I have two more questions for you. One, I wanna know what's next for you? What are you currently working on? What are you excited about? And then also give us some tips to listeners. My famous question, what are your. High vibe, hacks or those routines, resources, like whatever it is that keeps you high vibe.
Currently I'm working on learning how to do digital marketing. I'm like so excited about it. I love it. , I plan on eventually doing a digital marketing company, is what I want to know. I You're already really good at social. I love it. Yeah. It's like such a strategy. Yeah, strategy sales.
Yeah. Seeing this thing like start from nothing and grow into something, and then when it starts making money, you're like, oh my God, it works. Yeah. That excitement for me, and as far as like my habits every morning, I always, try to connect is, I'm always walking around because remember, I originally started as a law of attraction, right?
. So I have this habit of. . I wake up in the morning and I'm constantly giving gratitude. It's a habit already because I've been doing it for so long. So I literally will be like, thank you Lord, for waking me up. , thank you for this. Thank you, Jesus for this. Or thank you.
. So I'm always like, thank you universe. Just always thinking. So I tend to stay in this like mindset of like always being grateful because I feel like when you're always walking around being grateful for the problems, for, the annoying people, it will draw you, you don't live in this oh, my life sucks.
Yeah. You're constantly grateful for what you have and literally better things will be attracted to you. So that's one of the biggest things that I'm always like, grateful. So it's very weird. I'm always constantly like almost praying. Like in my mind I'm always like, Ah, thank you. , if I catch myself about to be negative about something, I'm like, you know what? That was beautiful. That was actually, I'll find what was beautiful about the experience. Versus being like, that fucking sucked. Yeah. Yeah. I I won't let myself go down that alley and what ends up happening is I, people will not be drawn to you.
If they're not on that same vibe. Yeah. Literally, they're repulsed by you. You un you literally annoy the crap out of them and yourself you annoy the crap out of yourself too. Damn, can anything . Yeah. Literally. It's almost like oil and vinegar. Yeah. Like, Because you gotta remember a fever, were like at a real high vibe.
Someone who's at a lower vibration. They either have to come all the way up to your vibe. or you're gonna have to come down to their vibe. Yeah. You literally don't connect. Yeah. So I feel like always being intentional about being on a gratitude level. Is always gonna keep you like neutral.
Yeah. I feel like I'm pretty neutral. It's good. And I go through crazy stuff on a daily basis. I'm always like, whatever. Yeah. I'm not letting that affect, ruin my TA time. I'm so lucky I get to go home and spend time with my boys. Yeah. Like, why would I focus on this stupid stuff that just happened at work?
Yeah. It's not gonna change. It's, if anything, it's affecting that beautiful day that I have with my four year old, like February 6th, 2023 with my four year old at 6:00 PM. I'm never gonna have it again. Yeah. Even if I have February 7th, eighth, ninth at 6:00 PM with my four-year-old, it's not ever gonna be that same day again.
So you have to be grateful for that moment. Yeah. Yeah. So that's like how I think, yeah. I love that. It's a super helpful, important mindset shift in practice that really does work. Because we might be in. Shitty situation one day or a really stressful day at work with a terrible, I don't know, client or problem or whatever.
There's two ways you can respond. You should the process that I like is, okay, let myself have my moment journal about it. Acknowledge this sucks. I don't like this feeling is what I'm feeling now. I don't like this. But then also, like you said, like trying to like, am I just gonna keep ruminating on that and repeating oh, this sucks and everything sucks and I'm tired and I'm stressed.
And I hate this and now I hate work. And then, and you put all these rigid like labels on it and you start to narrow in and you get. So like black and white and binary. It's like you forget about all the good things. , you forget about oh, I'm in a place that I worked so hard to get to, or I had a great day yesterday, or whatever.
like you get tunnel vision and it just drags you down. It raises your cortisol, it keeps you in fight or flight, and it's like you can stay there if you want and keep complaining into victimhood. Yeah. I refuse to be at victim a victimhood. I refuse. Yeah. That is so true. You're literally pushing yourself into victimhood.
Yeah. Yeah. There's a way that we can. Yeah, just overly focus on the negative and overly, woe was made . Yeah. And then, and get in inaction and just get in complaining mode. And that's so it's definitely victim mentality. Yeah. Yeah. So I like the shift of when you're noticing that like instantly what can help you.
Like what are your tools, what are you gonna help, what's gonna help you when to cope with the stressful time to actually start managing that stress and actually get to a better place. And gratitude definitely. It really does do it for you. Definitely. Yeah. It really does do it for you. Cuz even if you go, like, where you're, where you don't want to think about it, you're like, damn, if this person wasn't in my life, how would I feel?
Yeah. If I didn't have. , it could be so much worse. Yeah. Or, so it definitely is something that I learned literally. Honestly, I learned that from The Secret. Yeah. So if you guys haven't read The Secret because that book is like Yeah. A game changer, awesome. But yeah. And teach it to your kids. Teach it to them early. Yeah. It makes such a difference, to have, these little people that believe in themselves and stuff, and Oh my gosh. Not even like in a cocky way, but in a humble way. You know what I mean? Yeah. For whatever journeys they have gone.
Yeah. They are self-empowered and they can empower others. Yes. I love that. Yes. Yeah. You're planting your seeds at home and those seeds are gonna start spreading too, right around , because they'll connect at school, they'll connect with teachers and stuff like that, or whatever. You just, if you can do good Me, I always tell the boys like no matter what it is, whether if you're connecting with someone where you're like using someone's bathroom or what, whatever it is, I'm always like, leave it better than you found it.
Yeah. Don't go destroy something or destroy a person or like always leave it better than you found it. Yeah. Always. If you can, same thing for yourself. Yes. And your own relationship to yourself. I love that can be applied across the board. This has been awesome Natasha. Thank you so much.
And please share with listeners how can people connect with you and work with you and find you online. So I am Instagrammer. You guys can follow me on Insta. My personal page is Natasha l Martinez underscore and all my links to all my businesses and our coaching and all that is on there. Check me out.
And it's u la What's other Instagram? U la Brow Bar is one of our main businesses. That's our salon salon Empire is our, so Salon Plex. And then our coaching division is Martinez Vision Squad. Yeah. So follow all of them. Why? And then, yeah. And then if, we do trainings and stuff like that too.
That's brow Map University. That's actually my next project. We're doing all that online. So exciting. Yeah. That launches in March. Ooh, look out for that. Yeah. All right. Thank you. Thank you.